Friday, April 6, 2012

Where I'm At

Before I chronicle my paleo diet woes, let me bring you up to speed with where I'm at.

I'm a 24 year old wife, Account Manager and Emma Stone Doppelganger. I'm married to a fantastic man, and pharmacist- Steven- and we have a 3 year old Dachshund named Joey. But we'll get to that later...

On my wedding day, after crash dieting and even a brush with the HCG diet, I weighed 135 lbs. Since then, I've packed on about 11 lbs, leaving me at about 146lbs. This may not sound dramtic to you, but you need to know, I just got married in August and at barely 5'3", 145 lbs does not look good on me. Sure, 145 lbs is not morbidly obese and I'm sure you're thinking that since I'm already married I could just let myself go but here's the thing- I feel like crap. I have headaches constantly, I'm exhausted 100% of the time, and I have more acid reflux than a pregnant woman. 

 I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I can't remember a time, even as a little girl, that I felt good about my body. Of course, I've gone through skinny phases but I've spent twice as much time in fat phases. If I continue at this rate, by our five year anniversary I'll weigh roughly 220.72lbs. 220.72 LBS! On this 5'3" frame, I'd be a walking Jabba the Hut.

So I've decided to try the paleo diet, or as the diehards call it, the Paleo "LifeStyle."  I've got to stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting and sacrificing muscle for weight loss. I need more energy- I want to live healthier.

Which brings me to this- my humble blog about the paleo 30 day challenge. Stay Tuned- the best is yet to come.